Colton Levi Clark

Dedicated to Colton Clark. Missing from Seminole, OK Since April 20, 2006. Looking for Truth and Justice for Colt.

July 08 Featured Case – Into the Night – The Disappearance of Zachary Bernhardt

Posted by KindraLore on June 20, 2008

July 2008

This Month’s Featured Case

Zachary Michael-Cole Bernhardt

The Disappearance

When researching this case I found there were so many questions and not many answers. One thing is a fact. In the early morning hours of September 11, 2000, 8-year-old Zachary Michael-Cole Bernhardt was fast asleep in his own bed at one point, but had vanished into the night at another.

Zach and his mother Leah Hackett lived in Clearwater, Florida in a modest apartment in Savannah Trace. According to police, Leah Hackett stated she had insomnia and could not sleep so she decided to go for a walk.

Accounts vary as to what happened next. Supposedly Leah went for a swim and a walk but her accounts vary from being gone fifteen minutes to two hours. When she returned she found Zach missing. It is unclear whether Law Enforcement ever considered Hackett a suspect but if so, it was not mentioned in anything I have read.

The Neighbor?

There was a name that did come up as a suspect in Zach’s disappearances however. His name is Kevin Jalbert. According to reports, Kevin Jalbert solicited an undercover officer to help him abduct rape and kill a young boy in Clearwater.

Jalbert, 42 was arrested in June of 2001 on charges after he told the undercover detective that he had kidnapped and murdered boys in the past and gotten away with it. Police would not reveal how they learned Jalbert was looking to abduct a child, but they set up a meeting with him in Clearwater with the undercover detective.

One of the things he told the detective was that he would use bleach to flush DNA evidence off his victim. Detectives found Clorox bleach and a funnel in Jalbert’s vehicle.

After Jalbert’s arrest, authorities searched his home and cars and found that his computer contained multiple images of child porn. It was also determined that he visited a landfill two weeks after the disappearance of Zach. He had also been considered a suspect in a child abuse case prior to 2000.

One interesting fact is that Jalbert lived in Savannah Trace, the same apartment complex as Zach, and in fact they were neighbors. Although Jalbert was never officially named a suspect in the disappearance of Zach Bernhardt and no evidence to support such a theory was ever found, in 2004 he was convicted on the charges stemming from his run-in with the undercover detective.

He was charged with numerous counts of child pornography as well as solicitation of premeditated kidnapping, sexual assault and murder. According to the Florida inmate website, Jalbert’s release date is not until 2038.

Kevin Jalbert – Currently serving prision sentence

Whether or not Jalbert had any connection to the disappearance of Zachary Bernhardt, it is very apparent that he is a sick individual and is where he should be for the safely of other children.

An Abduction too Close to Home

Another strange event happened that may or may not be connected to this case. In January 2002 a 5-year-old boy was kidnapped from Savannah Trace, again the same apartment complex from which Zach resided.

The boy was abducted from the parking lot complex. Witnesses, including playmates said they saw the suspect driving a white pick up truck with ice cream symbols. He was taken about 65 miles northeast of Clearwater to Sumter County where he was sexually assaulted and placed in a trash bin behind a closed restaurant at about 4 AM.

The child managed to crawl out of the dumpster and flag down a passing motorist who called 911.
Police stated they did not believe the abduction of the 5-year-old and the disappearance of 8-year-old Zach from the same apartment complex were related.

Photo of a Bound Boy

In another odd twist in the case, in September 2001 a photo of child bound and bruised was found outside a grocery store and was said to have had a striking resemblance to Zachary Bernhardt. The photo was of a blonde boy bound. It was found in the parking lot of City Market in a mountain town about 55 miles west of Denver, Colorado.

Police were never able to determine if the boy in the photo was actually Zach, or who the child was, or even if the child was alive for that matter.

Photo found in parking lot of Denver, CO Grocery store in 2001

Where it Stands

Some thought Zachary’s mother Leah Hackett had something to do with the disappearance, reasoning that it would have been a mighty strange coincidence that Zach was taken in such early morning hours and in such a small window frame. How did the abductor know Leah Hackett was gone? Did they watch the apartment? According to her, it was random that she went out that night so it would not have been conducive to anyone’s time frame or logical for that matter for someone to be sitting and watching that apartment at 2 AM in the morning.

According to reports, over the previous 14 years before Zach’s disappearance, Leah Hackett had a list of 11 different addresses. In fact, Leah and Zach were facing eviction when Zach went missing for non payment of rent, which would have been the second eviction in less than two years.

Some think that it wasn’t Leah Hackett at all but Kevin Jalbert that had something to do with Zach’s disappearance. After all, he lived right there, he had bragged that he had recently killed a boy and evidence pointed to the fact that he was certainly warped. Jalbert to this day has never admitted any role in Zach’s disappearance though.

Then there was the pick up truck with the ice cream symbols. Could the man that abducted a 5-year-old from the Savannah Trace parking lot and assaulted him, leaving him in the trash bin; could he have been the one that had something to do with Zach’s disappearance?Could it have been someone totally different? Someone neither authorities nor anyone else know about? What happened to Zachary Michael-Cole Bernhardt?

Zachary Bernhardt would be 17 today. The above photo is an age progressed photo of what he might look like today.

If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:
Clearwater Police Department

Related links and Articles

The Charley Project – Zachary Bernhardt
Clues still elusive in case of missing boy
Bound Boy Photo May Show Florida Child
Florida Inmate Kevin Jalbert

14 Responses to “July 08 Featured Case – Into the Night – The Disappearance of Zachary Bernhardt”

  1. Amandia said

    To my cousin Zach, I love and miss you so much. You have not been forgotten and never will. Your family will always love you and prey for your safe return and never stop looking.

    • Amandia,
      My name is Chris I am the founder and director of the Brandon, Florida non-profit organization Protect Children Inc. My organization’s mission is to educate the public on how to prevent child sexual abuse and kidnapping. I was very active in the search for Zach and had visited Leah and presented a poem that was written to her. Protect Children Inc and I have not stopped looking into this. I personally believe that Zach is still alive and living somewhere and someone knows. I have found a few interesting things. Never give up hope.

      • Molly said

        Look, from what I read above, I think your family should be strong, and I hope you all keep searching for this boy, and since I’ve heard his story and seen his picture, I am also making this my mission, to help you find him…alive if possible. Never, ever give up hope, please email me, thank you!

  2. Amandia:

    I just wanted you to know that I too pray for your cousin’s safe return. Please remember that it can happen. Look at Shawn Hornbeck. Always keep the faith.

    My prayers are with you and those dear to Zach.


  3. Zachary u r loved n i am still looking for u I still have ur truck n i will never stop looking n loving you grandmom

  4. unknown source said

    R.I.P. Zach

  5. Cal said

    I was friends with Leah when this happened. No way she did anything to him. No she wasn’t perfect, none of us are. Love you Leah, and i still think of you and Zach. You will never be alone in this.

  6. Melissa Johnson said

    I just came across this story while reading updates on Haliegh Cummings. It touches my heart and last night I made sure I gave both my daughter and son extra love and attention. My heart goes out to the families and this boy. It may be the hair and eyes that remind me of my son. I will pray for him and I hope this case will be solved and not forgotten. I cannot comprehend how someone could hurt our innocent children. Something needs to be done.

  7. yonah said

    zach i have not forgoten you , i will pray for you my frind, i miss you!!

  8. Sharon said

    Nothing is as innocent and precious as a child. I think about Zach and his mom often. I am a single mom myself and I know how hard it is to do it alone, when no one seems to know your struggles but you. My son is now grown and my daughter is almost 16. I pray to God that Leah and Zach will be reunited in this lifetime. I hope that by the grace of God, he is not giving up hope that his Mommy still looks for him and loves him very much.

  9. Adria said

    I used to work with Leah Hackett… it was a long time ago… This case has baffled me and I still think of it from time to time. Where is Zach?????

    • Anonymous said

      I lived in Savannah Trace from March, 2000-July, 2001 with my wife (way in the back), Zach & Leah were way in the front. My wife & I (no kids) with my wife’s mother living with us in a Duplex would play catch with a tennis ball in Savannah Trace’s main pool from time to time. A couple of times Leah was there under a beach umbrella reading a book, but keeping a close eye on Zach.

      Zach showed an interest in playing catch with us, so I asked Leah if she would mind if Zach joined my wife and I playing catch in the pool. She politely said “yes, that’s OK”. Zach was polite & very well-mannered beyond his years (that stood out more than anything). He’d always say “thank you” to his mother and us. If the ball ever went out of the pool, Zach would always get right out and get the ball; when I was more than glad to do it.

      On Sept. 11th, 2000 (of all days), it was my 1st day of work at Morton Plant Countryside Hospital, but we had Orientation at the main Morton Plant Hospital. l left early (7:45ish) to get there by 9am. Where I got to the front of the complex there were police cars ALL OVER the place! I had to get out of there because I didn’t want to be late on my FIRST DAY! But I did manage to ask a neighbor “What’s going on?”. He said “a child is missing, or something”. As badly as I felt, I had to go. At that time I had no clue all the police cars were near Zach’s apartment as we only ever saw each other at the main pool with his mom!

      When I got home there were still police cars all over the place. This time I stopped and asked a police officer ‘What happened? I live in this complex in the back.”. He was vague but did say “an 8-year old child seems to have been abducted while his mother went out early for a walk.” He wouldn’t give me any names, so I drove to my apartment in the back and told my wife what happened in the front.
      We were both very upset as we both liked children and I felt protecting children was a human’s primary goal (even though I never had children- I wanted them but became very physically disabled by 2002). I had been donating HUGE amounts of sports card & autographs to hospitalized children every year from 1989-2001 (back then) & fought fraud in these hobbies for free online since 1997 to save children any heartache mainly.

      We turned on FOX news and when I saw Zach’s picture as the missing child, my heart hit the floor and hasn’t fully healed since. I called the FOX reporter for more details as I wanted to do something to help. He said they already said everything he know so far on the news, but he took my phone number & gave me his. Then I saw the AWFUL copies of copies (barely readable with a terrible fuzzy picture) only in BLACK & WHITE that the police made calling it a “MISSING CHILD POSTER”??? So I asked my wife “Will you help me get REAL Missing Child posters out all over the area?”. Of course she agreed as she felt the same way about this nice child that I did.

      I got a good COLOR photo from our new FOX News friend for my poster & designed it well with all the info we already knew, and what FOX News released like the hard to see scar Zach had on his chin (that the dumb police said to me “How did you know about that, we never released that fact to ANYONE!”. I had to get my wife from upstairs as an independent witness (or they were ready to ARREST ME!) that she heard it on FOX News with me! Then I called my FOX News friend in front of these cops & had HIM tell them he released that info on the news. I got no apology from the police, nothing! This was BEFORE I was ever publicly critical of the police They took us on separate floors to ask us this??? I think they were JEALOUS that we made such great looking MISSING CHILD posters compared to their junk! How petty can you be with a MISSING CHILD!

      I used my whole COLOR ink cartridge and only had about (50) posters. So I had an idea. I went to our local K-Mart and asked if they could help out with a few color ink cartridges, packing tape and a couple of reams of HEAVY DUTY (300)-count sheets of paper. THEY GLADLY OBLIGED (no cost); which was so kind of them. I had my printer running 24-hours a day. Each time our stack got to (100) or better we’d go out and “PAPER THE TOWN”. If you saw a COLOR Missing Child Poster after Sept. 2000- 2001 that was MY POSTER!
      We even went to the Tampa Airport & Raymond James Stadium (Buccaneers) and put at least (100) of our posters in each of those places (that the police never went to).

      I was critical of the Clearwater Police because they seemed to just GIVE UP after just a few months- they told me they only had one detective working on Zach’s case after 3-months because “Clearwater is a transient town, so Zach’s likely long gone.”. I told them I had as feeling a family member had something to do with Zach’s disappearance. A few relatives came down from the midwest about a week after he was missing. My instincts felt that maybe one of them took Zach to get him away from his drug-addict mother (that was released by the police and a neighbor in Savannah Trace who was Zach’s sometimes babysitter). Then suddenly the “family” are accusing me of “being off” because as they said to the police “Strangers just don’t go making COLOR Missing Child Posters for no reason.”. WHAT THE HECK???
      The police wanted a polygraph test, a DNA test, and fingerprints which I gladly submitted to. I never even got a “thank you” call from the police when I was cleared of everything! I blame the Clearwater Police partially for Zach never being found for them being so lazy!

      This thing with KEVIN JALBERT was never brought up until years later! I think the police could have done much more, they simply didn’t!

      I’ll be haunted by this my whole life. This boy was a true angel…

  10. […] Bernhardt – NamUS Zachary Michael-Cole Bernhardt – Colton Levi Clark FL Zachary Michael-Cole Bernhardt – Websleuths thread Zachary […]

  11. […] Kevin Jalbert Photo Found HERE […]

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